The Red Haven Peach is a popular early-season variety, ripening in mid to late July. It features smooth, almost fuzz-free skin with a blend of red and yellow hues. The flesh is juicy, sweet, and golden, making it perfect for fresh eating, canning, and freezing. Known for its exceptional flavor and texture, Red Haven is a favorite among peach lovers.
To care for Red Skin Peach, plant it in well-drained, fertile soil in a sunny location, preferably on a slight slope to prevent waterlogging. Prune annually during dormancy to maintain an open canopy and encourage air circulation. Provide consistent watering, especially during dry periods, to promote healthy growth and fruit production. Apply organic mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Fertilize with a Espoma Fertilizer in early spring and midsummer. Protect blossoms from late frosts to ensure fruit set. Monitor for pests and diseases, and apply appropriate control measures as needed. Enjoy the fruits of your labor in mid to late summer.