12 Easy to Grow Plants for Pollinators


The more you know the more you understand the urgency of respecting the needs of native plants and animals. A nice, neat, groomed lawn is often the goal of landscapes, though these lawns become deserts for pollinators. Pollinators need flowers producing nectar and pollen for food and energy to grow and reproduce. Bees and butterflies produce multiple generations in a growing season and need a consistent source of food to remain healthy and viable. It is imperative WE nurture a healthy pollinator population.    
Grains are a necessary part of human nutrition though these monocultures of wheat and corn are mostly wind pollinated and do not support a healthy pollinator habitat. Pollinators are necessary to produce approximately 35% of the food crops that we have. Crops such as  apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, melon, peaches, potatoes, vanilla, almonds, coffee, chocolate and even vanilla require animal pollination.


Urbanization and modern agriculture are to blame for destroying the habitat of our native pollinators though all is not lost. We have our own backyards, patios and public landscapes to stimulate a healthy biome for native pollinators. Urbanization and modern agriculture are to blame for destroying the habitat of our native pollinators though all is not lost. By selecting the best plants and appropriate practices, we promote a natural, healthy environment for ALL those in the neighborhood, including pollinators. A healthy and sustainable backyard benefiting birds, bees and butterflies is also quite enjoyable for us. 

Creating a pollinator friendly garden doesn’t have to be hard. The first step is choosing the right plants. The second step is choosing an area that you can create a small pollinator plot. If you’re already growing lots of perennials, you’re in business. Finally, the old saying, “The only good bug is a dead bug” could not be further from the truth, limiting pesticide use is imperative.  

There are many other aspects of creating a sustainable pollinator garden that supports pollinators. Here are two trusted resources:



Finally, here are 12 easy to grow, popular, plants that will invite and attract a healthy bee and butterfly population.

Agastache Beelicius


Butterfly Weed


 Basil African Blue


Butterfly Bush





Lobelia Cardinal Flower

Golden Rod


Rudbeckia Blackeyed Susan


Simply saying that pollinators are necessary for human survival is an understatement…

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